Monday, February 14, 2011

i've listened to a lot of music. i've played a lot of music. i've read about it, studied it, and generally let it define most of my life. of course, i know this about myself, but it struck me one day as i was driving life sort of had a soundtrack. i didn't realize it at the time, but now, when i hear certain songs, i get super intense, incredibly vivid memories. i can picture people and tell you just enough for the story to feel real again. often the details are gone, but there is something about it that puts me right back where i was for the 3 and a half minutes of the song. if ever i were going to write an autobiography, i would only be able to do it by listening to music and piecing it all together. so that's what i'm going to do. every night, as i drive home, i'm going to listen to the radio. when i hear songs that transport me back, i'll write about the song and what was going on. maybe this will be interesting...maybe not.

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