Thursday, March 13, 2008


change is good, no? it's just painful as we go through it...or more accurately extremely painful as we anticipate it. new home, new jobs, new volunteering, new office, new building, new crafts, new coworkers, new boss...all in the space of two weeks. however, being in the middle of those two weeks, it strikes me that the actual change (even if there is "fall out" and "adjustment" to it still occurring) is the worst part. and it seemed like it was going to be even worse than it ended up before it happened. so i'm in that anticipation phase right now...for the new job.

i'm mostly worried about taking over an existing team - one that already knows the job (where i'm new). what do i do? say? how do i come in and be the best leader i can, even while i'm learning? listen. listen. listen. remember to be a person and empathize. have faith. be positive. and breathe.

that's all i can think of.

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